The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Program
Empowering women & their partners to feel supported & confident in birth
Setting a strong foundation for your new family
I teach the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Program in the beautiful town of Gerringong NSW. This program is a unique and comprehensive antenatal education that empowers women and their birth partners with knowledge, tools, support and preparation for birth. Coming from a space of experience and care, my goal is to ensure you and your birth partner are able to make informed choices and feel confident while navigating your birth journey.
course foundations
Make informed choices and feel confident while navigating your birth journey.
As well self hypnosis we explore skills such as massage, acupressure, breathing techniques, optimum birthing positioning just to name a few.
Birth partners learn how they can be an awesome support person and advocate for the birthing mother based on her preferences.
Couples are able to put their knowledge, tools and skills into practice to ensure they feel calm, prepared and excited for their birth journey regardless of the twist and turns the journey may take.
What is Hypnobirthing?
The hypno in hypnobirthing refers to one of the many techniques you will learn to promote deep relaxation. Hypnosis in childbirth is beneficial as we are able condition ourself to release endorphins (natures analgesia) during labour and birth. This can lead to less intervention, a calmer more positive experience in pregnancy, labour and birth, and increased confidence and involvement of birth partners.

Unit One
Creating & Maintaining a Positive Mindset
- Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing
- How our brain is wired to birth
- The role of our caregivers
- Mind/body connection
- What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
- Our hormones are our friends
- My amazing uterus – understanding the physiology behind birthing
- Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
- Causes of Fear (including history) and how it affects our labour
- Re-programming the Subconscious
- The language for empowered birthing
- The power of affirmations
- Birthing environment

Unit Two
Our Toolkit for Birth
- Self-hypnosis tracks
- Birth music
- Conditioning with scent
- Hypnotic anchors and triggers
- Releasing endorphins through massage and touch
- Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
- Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing
- The importance of facial relaxation
- Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life
- Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!
- Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
- The ‘urge’ to push/bear down - Breathing/Bearing down

Unit Three
Preparation & Choices for Empowered Birthing
- Bonding with baby
- Choices in maternity care
- Birth Preferences – having open communication with your caregivers
- Knowledge is power – researching common interventions and procedures
- Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions
- Birth partner as advocate
- ‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy
- Inductions – things you’re not always told
- Achieving a natural start to labour
- Maintaining a healthy diet
- Preparing the body – staying active
- Optimising baby’s position
- Breech or Posterior – options & positions
- Instant relaxation techniques
- Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques & script

Unit Four
Birth - Bringing it all Together
- What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
- Signs that labour is starting
- What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc)
- When to call the midwife/go to the hospital
- Accidental home/car birth – what to do!
- Birth partner’s role
- Common procedures
- Using water during labour and birth
- Upright positioning, movement and birth positions
- Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)
- Fear release
- Vocalisation
- Cord clamping & placenta delivery
- Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time – skin to skin
- What to expect afterwards
- Self-hypnosis - Rehearsal for Birth
- A practice routine – preparation for birth!
Meet your Teacher
Hi, I'm Erin - midwife, loving mother and Hypnobirthing Australia™ practitioner
First and foremost, I’m a mumma to 3 gorgeous kids. My first child came into the world in 2017. I had just finished my studies to become a midwife and I thought I was well prepared and ready for birth. Let me tell you, I was not.
My birth was beautiful, but left me a little shell shocked to say the least. For my second baby’s arrival I did a deep dive into ways to better prepare for birth, to gain confidence and trust in my body’s innate birthing ability. The birth of my second child was amazing, and made for a very healing experience for my partner and I. This birth definitely made me feel like a super woman and allowed me to have full-hearted faith and awe of women’s ability to birth.
I then decided to become a Hypnobirthing Australia™ practitioner. The birth of our third baby was calm and beautiful, I utilised a wide range of birth skills and tools, including a TENS Machine, which allowed me to feel empowered and connected to the birthing experience. I began Bump to Baby because I believe that empowering women with knowledge, birth tools, ways their birth partner can best support them and preparation is a fantastic way to promote calm and positive births. Parents deserve to step into parenthood with confidence and positivity.
The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Program - Group Course
Course material provided, held over a weekend in beautiful Gerringong. Morning tea provided.
The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Program - Private Course
Course material provided, held in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. Morning tea provided.